Photo: Donostia / San Sebastian 2016 (CC-BY)
BASQUE. BOOKS. is the brand name behind the internationalization of Basque literature and publishing industry.
The book sector encompasses the two official languages of the Basque Country and works to defend the interests of writers, publishers and bookstores, as well as promote and disseminate Basque literature and reading.

Euskal Idazleen Elkartea
Association of Basque-language writers that works to defend their rights and promotes Basque literature in the Basque Country and abroad.

Euskadiko Idazleen Elkartea
Association created to bring together the greatest number of writers from the Basque Autonomous Community, regardless of their working language. The aim is to combine efforts and knowledge and to contribute to the publication and promotion of literary works.

Galtzagorri Elkartea
This association has two main objectives: to promote reading among children and young people and to publicise and disseminate children’s and young people’s literature in Basque.

Euskal Editoreen Elkartea
Organization of Basque-language publishers. Its main objective is to promote and support literature written in Basque.

Gremio de Editores de Euskadi
Professional association created to defend the professional interests of publishers in the Basque Autonomous Community and to promote their books.

Cámara del Libro de Euskadi
Non-profit professional association for the representation and management of professional interests in the area of books in the Basque Autonomous Community. The association brings together book shops, distributors, publishers and graphic arts companies specializing in book production

Euskal Irudigileak
The Professional Association of Illustrators of Euskadi is the collective that since 2003 brings together all those illustrators interested in the common defense of their professional rights. www.euskalirudigileak.eus

Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of the Basque Language, a non-profit-making association of professionals and those with university degrees in translation.
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