Photo: Belako. Donostiako Piratak (CC-BY-NC-SA)
BASQUE. MUSIC. is the brand name behind the internationalization of the Basque music sector and it’s operated by Musika Bulegoa, the Basque Music Office.
For futher information: www.basquemusic.eus
There is a series of associations within the Basque music sector whose mission it is to support all kinds of Basque music, from classical to modern, and protect the interests of Basque musicians and composers.

Musika Bulegoa
An open forum where different actors in the music business can meet and collaborate, a space designed to support music created and produced in the Basque Country.

Euskadiko Orkestra
The Basque National Orchestra is a world-class symphony orchestra with 7,000 subscribers and an average annual audience of 150,000.

Research, collection, conservation and dissemination of musical heritage and, in particular, the work of Basque composers.

The Musikene School of Music was founded by the Basque Government in the 2001-2002 to provide upper-level musical studies
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