Photo: Haatik
BASQUE. PERFORMING ARTS. is the brand name behind the internationalization of the Basque performing arts industry and it’s operated by the Basque Government’s Department for Culture and Linguistic Policy.
For further information: www.basqueaudiovisual.eus
Different entities and associations are involved in promoting the performing arts in the Basque Country. Their main objectives include the promotion, development and consolidation of dance and theatre.

It promotes street arts in the Basque Country and provides a forum for artists, festivals and distributors.

Association of dance professionals that works to promote dance, build internal cohesion and improve working conditions.

Association of stage production companies in the Basque Autonomous Community that provides communication, stability and development support within the sector.
Can I help you?
Are you looking for information about dance,
theater, street arts or circus
and you haven’t found it?
Maybe I can help you.
Jose Luis Ibarzabal
Basque Government, Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy